FISA-EURADWASTE 2025 and SNETP Forum 2025
The European Commission and the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ, Poland) invite all relevant stakeholders to participate to the 11th Edition of Euratom Research and Training Conferences on Fission Safety of Reactor Systems (FISA) and Radioactive Waste Management (EURADWASTE). The conference is organised under the auspices of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This edition of the conference will be exceptional, as it is co-organized by SNETP, and the SNETP Forum 2025 will be held as part of the event. Furthermore, the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN), the European Nuclear Society (ENS), and the European Nuclear Society - Young Generation Network (ENS-YGN) are invited to co-organize the conference.
The conference will take place from May 12-16 in Warsaw, Poland.
The access to this event is entirely free of charges but submitted to a pre-registration process.
plenary sessions
parallel sessions
scientific projects
The FISA-EURADWASTE 2025 conference will address and engage with all relevant stakeholders involved:
- research and technology organisations
- technical safety organisations
- industry
- training organisations
- small and medium enterprises
- spin-offs and start-ups
- academia
- technology platforms
- European fora and European civil society
- international organisations (IAEA and OECD/NEA)
Faithful to the spirit of the previous editions, the FISA-EURADWASTE 2025 conference objectives are:
- To create a platform for discussion, dialogue and networking for the nuclear research community, European and national policymakers, nuclear industry, business, academia, regional and local authorities and other stakeholders. By inviting high-level speakers, guests, and representatives from national and European authorities, the conference will create a strong platform for discussion for all stakeholders involved in framing nuclear research and developing nuclear energy technologies. Particular emphasis will be given to the stakeholders from different nuclear fields concerned and relevant with the most important issues regarding the current EU energy policy, and research and innovation policy.
- To bring to the attention of the relevant stakeholders from all over Europe on the achievements in nuclear fission research and education & training. By providing a review of the most outstanding results obtained under the H2020 and HE projects in the field of nuclear fission research by expert community, official representatives of European Commission and of the Member States will assess and evaluate the progress in achieving the R&D goals as expressed in the vision documents or strategic and research innovation agenda elaborated at European level by different stakeholders e.g. ‘European technological and innovation platforms’ or within targeted ‘coordinated and support action’. The speakers and experts will be committed to present, in a comprehensive way, their views on the research and innovation achievements in Europe and how the goals set out in the work programmes were reached. They will also have the opportunity to present how Horizon Europe will go beyond.
- To foster visibility of the Euratom research and training programme and to largely disseminate information. By disseminating the latest research results achieved under H2020 programme towards a broad spectrum of stakeholders from research to industry, from policy to civil society, it will foster the visibility of the Euratom research and training programme and of the research & innovation efforts at EU level. By shedding light on how activities are continued/enhanced in the recently started Horizon Europe programme, Euratom action over time will illustrate it is taking into full account of the European strategic orientations. In this regard, a communication and dissemination strategy will be developed and implemented with the aim to ensure a large and diverse audience. A dedicated website of the conference will be launched, which will be complemented dynamically and interactively by the use of social media, and also press media, etc.
- To interact within dedicated parallel and poster sessions, exhibitions, business and Young Generation Nuclear researchers’ matchmaking interviews (YGN, Atomicareers).
- To reward relevance and excellence performed in nuclear research and innovation: ENEN PhD Event & Prize, calls for PhD and MSc posters, R&D topics and Nuclear Innovation Prize.
The 2025 edition of the FISA-EURADWASTE conference is especially relevant in the framework of the European Green Deal. In this regard, strong investments in research and innovation will be required to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and emissions reduction targets of 55% by 2030. This event will stimulate the debate on the targets set in relation to diversification of the energy mix and will lead to the emergence of recommendations both in terms of orientations for the EU’s energy policy and of scientific and technological challenges to handle continued improvements to nuclear energy in innovative fields (SMR technology) and nuclear competitiveness, the digital transition, safety and shut-downs and adaptation of the cycle to the development trajectory of electronuclear production, system flexibility with integration of other energies, etc.
The aim of FISA-EURADWASTE 2025 conference is to illustrate how Europe met H2020’s and HE’s expectations and is prepared to tackle further Horizon Europe’s challenges by summarizing the activities of around 100 Euratom projects and highlighting the most important results of this programme, addressing all main fields of the nuclear energy research and training. Through the large diversity of topics approached and the broad participation, FISA-EURADWASTE 2025 conference is the unique European forum open to all stakeholders to exchange views on the last developments in the nuclear research and discuss the future R&D&I needs in the perspective of the grand energy challenges ahead of the EU. It is therefore a unique and extremely important rendezvous.
The concept behind this conference is to gather a large audience and to create a networking environment in which the most important results on the main pillars of the nuclear energy: nuclear safety, new reactors systems, radioactive waste disposal, education and training can be discussed in the community.