Instructions for ABSTRACTS
Editable abstract template can be found here.
Your manuscript must be in English, using UK spelling. Setting of paper size is DINA4-size only. The top, left and right margins are 2.5 cm while the bottom margin is 2 cm. The typeface throughout the text is Arial.
Title should be simple, concise and informative.
Please use as format: ARIAL, 14 PT, all caps.
Author(s) name(s) and affiliations
A list of all authors, (format: ARIAL, 12 PT, all caps) as well as corresponding addresses, (format: 10 pt, italics) should be provided. Addresses should contain all information necessary for an effective mail delivery.
NB: E-mail and telephone numbers should also be provided separately to speed up communication between Editorial Office and authors.
Abstract should be completely written as a single paragraph, self-contained, describing the key elements of your contribution & its conclusions. Its length should be between 200 and 400 words. Mathematical expressions should be avoided. For the format: the text should be typeset in block mode. For this paragraph the font size is 12 pt.